The Operator vs Stock Control Challenge

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Stock takes will never again be a dreading and grueling process that only happens once a year. OrderMate is proud to announce our new stock control software for 2014 – StockMate.

StockMate is an application that can be downloaded from the app store on an iPhone or iPod touch. With the addition of a Linea Pro rugged scanner case, you can scan the barcodes of items and add them to your stock-take with a simple and easy process.

The new software has a search functionality which enables stocktaking to be a much quicker process when looking for items in different categories. Finally, there is no need to worry about WIFI dropout zones whilst doing stock-take in the freezer or down in the cellar. StockMate allows for stock-takesto be done offline and once completed can be sent to OfficeMate.

We understand that Stock Control is a crucial element of running a successful operation and as a result we have worked to produce one of the best software packages on the market – StockMate.

(The StockMate app can run on a minimum iPhone 4S and a minimum ioS 7)