The future of ordering is online

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The future of ordering is online. As a study by the Interactive Advertising Bureau shows “about 69 percent of consumers order food online using a mobile device” rather than ordering at the venue or over the phone. This is the shift in consumer behaviours as we are more time poor and want things to be instantaneous. Cut out the middleman and minimize the effect of human error is the collective thought of many operators turning to online ordering.

We are proud to integrate with a number of online ordering companies; Eat Now, Zwift, iTakeaway and Menulog. These companies publish your menus, leverage your brand online and drive more traffic to your menu to hopefully increase your overall revenue. Some new wave operators say that, “online ordering has contributed an additional 28% of sales”.

However it is still early days and many operators are yet to take the plunge but don’t be fooled into thinking you can ignore online ordering, it’s definitely the way of the future.

A number of Point of Sale providers have seen the shift in online ordering and as a result have developed integration to enable this functionality. Whether you do delivery, takeaway or both- this innovation allows the customers’ order to go directly into the point of sale. No need to have an extra staff member on shift to handle the continuous phone orders. Cut down your staff costs and increase additional revenue from online ordering – who is going to say no to that?