Vital Statistics. In a heartbeat.

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There are many ways to look at a business and see its success. The number of people queuing up to order. The number of tickets flapping on the chefs pass, about to be plated up. The number of coffee orders spiked next to the coffee machine. At a glance it is sometimes hard to see how a business is going, especially when you are an owner or operator who is not physically at the business every day.

OrderMate’s – Control Centre was developed to combat that hurdle. No longer will reports be a weekly or monthly activity. Control Centre gives decision makers up to the minute – live data directly from the POS.

On face value the Control Centre Web App provides a “snapshot” of how a business is going for the day, for the week and for the month – compared to the same time in the previous period. The result being a comprehensive and analytical assessment of how your business is going in real time. Tony Roussos from The Quarter in Degraves see Control centre as a “quick and useful tool that allows me it to stay at close reach to my business at all times. It gives me a quick a simplified snapshot of the day’s events, very useful when you’re a busy person constantly on the move.”

But wait there is more.

Since we released Control Centre, a number of our OrderMaters have asked what do the business vitals actually mean.

Well – we have listened and below is an explanation of each of the business vitals.

Business Vital Explanation
Discounts Dollar Value of discounts in terms of cost to the business
Surcharge Dollar Value of applied surcharges Eg. Credit Card and Public Holiday.
Covers The number of customers allocated to Table orders. It is set by the prompt when a new table is opened.
$ / Head Daily Sales against Number of Covers.
Transactions Total number of accounts (table, quick sale, phone, bar tabs,take away) that have been paid off.
Average Trans Daily Sales against Number of transactions.
Debtor Sales Accounts that have been sent to a debtor .
Debtor Payments Payments made to debtors.
Labour $ Labour hours by pay rate (assuming staff clock on and off).
Labour Hours Total clocked on hours.
$ / Labour Hour For every one hour of labour incurred, a $ figure of sales has the business generates.
No Sales The number of times the cash drawer has been opened without a payment being made.
Item Sold Total number of items sold.

Control Centre is available to all OrderMate customers on one of our Customer Care Plans. We invite you to Take a Tour of Control Centre and see what it is all about. For more information drop us a line on